Artist’s Red & White Blends


The Artist Red Blend is deep red and the Artist White Blend is pale yellow.


The Artist Red Blend has fla­vors of black­ber­ry, blue­ber­ry, black pep­per, dark choco­late, and bak­ing spices. The Artist White Blend is fruity but not sweet, although some sweet wine drinkers may enjoy it! Look for fla­vors of yel­low apple, Mey­er lemon, pineap­ple, white flow­ers, and cream.


Caber­net is what gives The Artist Red wine its pow­er and rich­ness. Mal­bec adds col­or and deep berry fla­vors and Petite Sir­ah and Petit Ver­dot bring intense fla­vors, dark col­or and spice. Zin­fan­del and Mer­lot round out the wine with rich, juicy fruit. For The Artist White, the Chardon­nay por­tion of the blend was par­tial­ly aged in oak bar­rels, adding a creamy, spicy note to the wine. Viog­nier, Muller-Thur­gau, Ries­ling and Mosca­to are all grapes that have flo­ral aro­mas and rich fruity fla­vors. Comb­ing these notes with ripe Chardon­nay results in a wine that is both trop­i­cal and opulent.


The Artist Red Blend pairs well with hearti­er meat dish­es and hard cheese, where the Artist White Blend pairs well with rich seafood and creamy pas­ta dishes.

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An image of a vineyard field.