Camille Bril­liant

Côte de Bar

Cre­at­ed by Mas­ter Som­me­li­er, Emi­ly Wines.


Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Meunier


The sixth wine in our series, Camille Bril­liant, is a remark­able stand­out as the only non-red wine. Sourced from the heart of the Côte de Bar sub­re­gion in Cham­pagne, France, this exquis­ite cre­ation is the result of our col­lab­o­ra­tion with Cham­pagne Gruet, a fam­i­ly-owned win­ery with deep roots in the region dat­ing back to 1670.


Camille Bril­liant is a metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed blend of 70% Pinot Noir, 20% Chardon­nay, and 10% Meu­nier, result­ing in a rich and opu­lent Champagne.


It delights the palate with notes of apple cider, pre­served lemon, brioche, and cream.


Savory-sweet grilled or glazed meats

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Sepia photo of a vineyard in california.