Caber­net Sauvi­gnon — Dou­ble Mag­num (3L)

[ cab-er-nay so-vee-nyawn ]

Tow­er­ing over a stan­dard bot­tle, our Dou­ble Mag­num bot­tle holds 3 liters (equiv­a­lent to 4 stan­dard bot­tles of wine), offer­ing fur­ther aging poten­tial, pres­ence, and prestige.


Opaque ruby red


A bou­quet of mixed berries, pen­cil shav­ings, herbs, and a wealth of spices are com­ple­ment­ed by cig­ar box and oak nuances


Dis­play­ing true vari­etal char­ac­ter sup­port­ed by a sol­id struc­ture and great bal­ance, this wine will con­tin­ue to drink well for years to come


Bone-in steaks, pun­gent cheeses, mush­room risot­to, and rich dishes

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Sepia photo of a vineyard in california.