Vin Noir



Deep dark red


The foun­da­tion of this blend is 44% Petite Sir­ah and 29% Petit Ver­dot — both vari­eties known for their small grapes, which pack a lot of pig­ment and give the wine its rich, sat­u­rat­ed hue.


The blend is round­ed out with 14% Mer­lot, adding soft­ness and bal­ance, 10% Terold­ego for added struc­ture, and 9% Zin­fan­del, con­tribut­ing juicy, berry flavors.


These dark, spicy ele­ments come togeth­er in a full-bod­ied wine that has a long, smooth fin­ish, mak­ing it an ide­al com­pan­ion for hearty dish­es like slow-cooked stews, grilled meats, or roast­ed vegetables.

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An image of a vineyard field.