Pad­ma Sauvi­gnon Blanc


Light Yel­low


Pad­ma Sauvi­gnon Blanc is fresh and cit­rusy, fea­tur­ing notes of lemon, green apple, fresh-cut grass, and apple blossom.


Sauvi­gnon Blanc orig­i­nat­ed in West­ern France, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Loire Val­ley and Bor­deaux regions, where it has long been cel­e­brat­ed for its bright acid­i­ty and aro­mat­ic, herbal notes.


Sauvi­gnon Blanc is a per­fect match for dish­es with cit­rus, fresh veg­eta­bles, herbs, and tangy goat cheese.

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An image of a vineyard field.